How to generate a self-signed certificate using pyOpenSSL

February 12, 2010

If you’ve got an embedded web server (I’m currently writing one that will be used to configure an application), and you don’t want to pass things in the clear, you’ll need to configure your web sever to use HTTPS. But for an embedded application, that can be tricky – https expects the hostname to be signed in the certificate, but you probably don’t know it until after your app is installed.

Here’s how you can create a self-signed certificate programatically in python.  You could just run this on application start-up.  Not that first you’ll need to install pyOpenSSL (if you have easy_install set up, it’s as easy as “easy_install pyopenssl”):

from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
from socket import gethostname
from pprint import pprint
from time import gmtime, mktime
from os.path import exists, join

CERT_FILE = "myapp.crt"
KEY_FILE = "myapp.key"

def create_self_signed_cert(cert_dir):
    If datacard.crt and datacard.key don't exist in cert_dir, create a new
    self-signed cert and keypair and write them into that directory.

    if not exists(join(cert_dir, CERT_FILE)) \
            or not exists(join(cert_dir, KEY_FILE)):
        # create a key pair
        k = crypto.PKey()
        k.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024)

        # create a self-signed cert
        cert = crypto.X509()
        cert.get_subject().C = "US"
        cert.get_subject().ST = "Minnesota"
        cert.get_subject().L = "Minnetonka"
        cert.get_subject().O = "my company"
        cert.get_subject().OU = "my organization"
        cert.get_subject().CN = gethostname()
        cert.sign(k, 'sha1')

        open(join(cert_dir, CERT_FILE), "wt").write(
            crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
        open(join(cert_dir, KEY_FILE), "wt").write(
            crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, k))

3 Responses to “How to generate a self-signed certificate using pyOpenSSL”

  1. Rajarathinam said

    sorry I want to know more reference.. Because Im need to make self signed certificate for my python application….
    Thanks in advance….

  2. carljosephsmith said

    Nice work, just what I needed. Thanks very much.

  3. carljosephsmith said

    Nice one. Thank you. This was exactly what I needed.

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